Honey zabrus

Honey zabrus


  Zabrus is an upper lid of bee combs. Filled with honey wax honeycomb are sealed with a special substance that contains the secret of wax glands of bees, propolis, pollen, and saliva of bees. Consequently, zabrus is a natural conglomerate of biologically active substances. Before pumping out of honey they cut upper lids and use them as a healing agent. Scientists have found that zabrus is effective in the treatment of infectious diseases, intestinal dysbiosis, rhinitis, inflammation of the sinuses and others.   Addiction of pathogens to zabrus is not observed, it does not cause allergies, that distinguishes it from conventional medicines. Recovery occurs, often quickly and without complications.

  The structure zabrusa except wax includes several components that make it very useful for humans. This propolis – a natural antibiotic, pollen – complex vitamins, honey and lysozyme – an enzyme that serves as protection against bacteria and viruses. The concentration of lysozyme in zabrusi 100 times higher than that of honey.

is used for

  • respiratory diseases. Zabrus used to treat sore throats, bronchitis, tracheitis, pneumonia
  • nasal disease. At a cold and sinusitis zabrus need to chew for 15 minutes every hour
  • diseases of the digestive system. When chewing zabrusa there is a strong salivation, which improves motor and secretory function of the stomach. If swallowed zabrus acts as a sorbent, removes harmful substances from the stomach and intestines, improves peristalsis
  • diseases of the oral cavity. When chewing zabrusa plaque purified, disinfected mouth, strengthens the teeth and gums. Zabrus – is a useful and tasty gum
  • to improve immunity in children and adults zabrus recommended together in ambrosia, pollen, royal jelly, honey.